Gruden / December and the birth of a New Sun

White blanket, snowflakes, homeliness, family warmth, heating by the fire. Permeating emotions at new beginnings of ideas, new views, insights. Expectation. Cheerful mood and echoes of traditional songs, good wishes. The smell of baked bread. The birth of a new sun.Sensitive time because he is threatened by many dangers. Time of connection with the upper […]

Listopad / November and connecting with the ancestors

The Feast of “Dedi” (grandfathers) is linked to the tradition of autumn, when this world and the underworld are interconnected, opened. While the warm part of the year is marked by physical work, potent energy, passion, the colder part of the year is dedicated to calmness and self-reflection, deep analysis. Of thyself, the work. In […]

Vinotok / October – time of goddess Mokoš

Home, calmness, softness, gratitude, feminine grace and creativity are the quiet feelings that permeate the month of Vinotok – October. This is the women’s month, ruled by the East Slavic goddess Mokosh, the great mother, the only goddess in Vladimir of Kiev pantheon, who watches over women. We meet her all over “Slavija” on traditional […]

Mali Srpan / July & Perun’s action

The fight for the right cause, justice, satisfaction, perfection, materialization, fertility, control, excess energy.This is what reflects the aspect of God’s power that appears to us as Perun. Perun, the son of the creator Svarog, is the ruler of heaven and thus of all the celestial spheres. Thus, it also has the function of fertility, […]