
Living by the old ways is something that brings us closer to primordial bonding with Mother Nature and inner selves.
Merely information is not enough, putting it into practice, feeling and living with it in everyday lives is the key for our children to cherish what the old ones taught us.

The community behind SVARUNICA brand of products is VELES society, that organizes events throughout Slovenia and brings people together celebrating old Slavic traditional holidays four times a year.

Join us also on our Facebook community SVARUNICA, where we can exchange experiences connceting with the values for which we believe, can make a better tomorrow.
One must also not forget to always walk around with some humour in their pockets. šŸ™‚

We would specially like to advise parents how you can inspire your children with old Slavic stories, magical creatures, spirits of Nature and how you can celebrate together following the old traditions together with the youngest kids.