Pobarvaj ga :) / Colour this guy :)

Ravno te dni se t.i. “parkeljni” okoli sprehajajo. 🙂
No ja, gre za starodavne predstave o duhcih, ki skrbijo za rast, plodnost, ki prehajajo iz podzemlja v tale naš svet. Predstavljajo tudi Velesa, boga podzemlja, ki v naše domove prinaša izobilje, modrost in zmožnost, da tudi v naši temi najdemo dobre stvari oz. učne lekcije.
Čez čas je pa vse skupaj seveda dobilo drugačno sliko.

These days, so called “parkeljni” are roamming around. 🙂
Well, they are actually the demons, spirits that take care of growth and fertility, passing from the world beyond to our realm. This is also the time of Veles, who, at this time, brings prosperity, wealth and wisdom to our homes as well as the ability to find the good things from the darknes, from which we can learn more about ourselves.
Over time, however, everything got a different picture.