The book is A5 in size. It contains original illustrations of Iron Age deities by the long-time designer and manager of the Svarunica online store: Irena Petrič.
8,00 €
The book, which you can buy in a set with a calendar for 2023 – with the same content, spreads on 110 pages and shows us a former view of the world of spirituality, gods and ritual symbolism during the first millennium BC and a little later, when the ancient Romans already assimilated many indigenous, native deities into their pantheon in the area of our country and abroad.
A few pages are devoted to each deity, and in the illustration they are also shown with their sacred plant. In some places the connections are clear, even attested, and in some places, according to a logical judgment and connection with places of worship, the plant, with its healing and magical properties, is shown with a certain goddess or god.
For now, the book is only published in digital format, as an e-book in Slovene language.
In the case of greater interest, we will subsequently stock the book in printed form as well.
The book is protected by customer’s individual code, texts cannot be copied.
Deities in the book:
Baba, Kurent, Tana, Vidas, Noreja, Kresnik (Romanized Jupiter Depulsor), Reitija, Istra, Belin, Ekorna, Labur, Trimuzjat.
Also buy calendar and save 10% on the regular price!!!
See the set here:
The book is A5 in size. It contains original illustrations of Iron Age deities by the long-time designer and manager of the Svarunica online store: Irena Petrič.