
Slavic cards reading – complexed

Original price was: 75,00 €.Current price is: 60,00 €.

With the insight into our own, beautiful Slavic deck of cards, we can give you many useful leads on how to continue your path, what is troubling you from the past you may not have yet resolved and where are you headed, if you can cross over your obsticles or how you can achieve that.

The Slavic deck of cards shows you where you are headed and what may the future hold for you. However the choice is always yours exactly what step to take.

The cards will reveal to you who, from the Slavic spiritual world, will guide you on your selected path regarding your question and thus it is important you connect with them to make the most of the situation. You will get advice on how to do that.

The more concrete question you ask, the more concrete answer you will get.

Complexed reading means you can ask three questions you will get three or more pages long report along with the card layout preview.

Price: At the moment lowered to 60 eur.

Payment is only possible in advance.
Simply order this Card insight in our store, write down your question/s in the comment section when you are finishing the order or additionaly write us to
After we recieve the payment, or you send us a proof of payment, you will get your answers within three working days.

Thank you for turning to our Slavic corner.
We are happy to help.



Slavic deck of cards consists of artwork by slovenian artist, designer and a guardian of native faith Irena Petrič (born Urankar), who is active in the field for more than a decade; creating and promoting slavic heritage through art, organizing events and annual rituals, lectures, workshops. She has written many articles for printed magazines and online.

Irena has many experiences also in reading the viking runes starting 20 years ago.

She is working in hypnocentre Veles with Erik Petrič, her husband, who is hypnotherapist.

She has also been using chinese medicine for many years to cope with health problems and wrote a book in 2018: Umetnost branja obraza (The art of facereading), based on thousands of years of ancient knowledge that is widely used still today.

She gave many leactures and workshops for personal and business growth using the knowlede on how to read faces so we can communicate better and evolve better ouselves knowing our natural predispositions in life.

She is also a Reiki master but above all she is a wife, mother and follower of the native traditions of her Motherland.

Her inner strenth comes from her family and Mother Nature. The forest, natural gardening and music.