Poster A3: the wheel of the year through a slovene native faith heritage


The poster shows the circle of the year through the indigenous traditions of Slovenia with several emphasis on the completely indigenous, pre-Christian heritage of our ancestors. In addition to the visual representations of the personified monthly energies and their precisely defined, related specifications, short summaries with descriptions are also available o the sides.

Payment and collection options:

  1. payment by advance invoice + postage
  2. payment by pre-invoice + personal collection in front of the facility by prior agreement
  3. shipping with payment upon collection (redemption fee)
  4. personal pickups with cash payment are impossible until further notice due to the massive renovation of the building where our store operates



Printed on 150g coated paper.
Available in slovenian language. For foreign speakers we can add english translation on a regular copy paper bw text.

Additional information

Weight 160 g
Dimensions 420 × 297 cm